Best places to visit in Italy in November

Best places to visit in Italy in November

November might not seem the best month to visit Italy but, actually, we think that visiting off season can have its benefits. Weather wise, November in Italy will feel rather Autumnal. The weather can be unpredictable to say the least and you need to expect to be faced with some rainy, cooler days. It’s also hard to compare weather at the start of the month with that at the end of the month. Whilst weather in the deep south may still be mild, elsewhere you can expect to be wrapping up with a jacket. You may also find that, in some areas in November, businesses have already begin to close up for the season.

But, on the plus side, there are lots of positives about visiting Italy in November. For one thing, you’ll definitely get more for your money. Flights to Italy are cheapest in November and Italy villa rentals are also great value for money at this time of year. Secondly, you won’t be battling with the crowds when you’re out and about sightseeing, nor will you be battling with the heat of the Summer sun.

One thing to be aware of if travelling to Italy in November is that 1 November is actually an annual public holiday. Many businesses, large stores, banks and post offices will be closed on this day. But, that said, you should find that most restaurants and tourist attractions remain open so it shouldn’t affect your holiday plans too much.

It’s also important that you set expectations if holidaying in Italy in November. You could, for example, visit the Italian Lakes and have gorgeously crisp, dry days with blue skies when the lakes will look absolutely stunning. Equally, you could travel to the same region in the same month and have a week of constant rain and feel that you’ve had a miserable time unless you factored in this possibility before you went!

It’s probably because of the unreliability of the weather that we’re big fans of city breaks off season. After all, cities will typically have plenty of indoor activities to keep you occupied should the weather be unkind. And in the big cities, you tend to find that the attractions, restaurants and accommodation options tend to stay open all year round.


Italy’s capital, Rome, is definitely a great city to visit in November. Head to Rome in the Summer months and you can expect its streets to be crowded and temperatures far too stifling to be sightseeing much. (That said, it’s always a good excuse to take regular gelato breaks if you’re pounding Rome’s streets in the Summer!) In contrast, if you head to Rome in November, you will find the crowds far fewer and hotels much better priced. In fact, Rome is a great city full stop if you’re travelling on a budget. An incredibly surprising number of its attractions are free to visit. Check out our guide to the top 20 free things to do in Rome for more information.


For the same reasons as Rome, Florence is a great city to explore in November. Those visiting the Uffizi and Accademia Gallery in the Summer can only dream of the lack of queues you would find in these galleries in November. However, irrespective of the time of year you visit, we still recommend you book your tickets in advance to make your stay in Florence most efficient. Find out more at Get Your Guide. If you’re travelling in late November, it’s also an opportunity to enjoy the Christmas markets in the city. One of the most important of these – Weihnachtsmarkt – which you’ll find in the Piazza Santa Croce, usually starts in the third week of November.


Venice can be really atmospheric in November. Just be aware that you may also need to contend with water levels – acqua alta – in Venice in November. Whilst flood barriers have now been put in place, there is no guarantee that the city will not get flooded so you may want to pack your rubber boots just in case! Like with Florence, the annual Christmas market in Venice also kicks off in November. And November sees the Madonna della Salute Festival in Venice. It’s quite a spectacular sight with a procession of boats making their way from St Mark’s Square to the Church of Santa Maria Della Salute. And remember, if the skies are rather grey and gloomy, you can always cheer yourself up by heading to the bright colours of the island of Burano!


Tuscany is full of cities where you can find plenty to do even if it’s raining. We’ve already mentioned Florence but others include Siena, Pisa, Lucca, Montepulciano, Montalcino and San Gimignano. However, Tuscany’s countryside is also incredibly beautiful at this time of year. The Autumnal foliage is stunning, with the Summer greens turning to shades of red and orange. Tuscany is also home to some wonderful thermal spas which are perfect to enjoy at this time of year. Those at Saturnia are probably the most famous – they are certainly the most photographed! Here, the Cascate del Mulino flows down over the rocks creating hot pools of water that sits at a constant temperature of 37.5 degrees. Steam rises from the pools in the Winter months as it meets the colder air creating a really atmospheric experience. Other thermal baths in Tuscany include the Bagno Vignoni and the scenic Bagni San Filippo, both of which are in the Val d’Orcia, along with the more functional baths at Chianciano Terme and the baths at Venturina and Sassetta in the Maremma region of Tuscany.


Tuscany’s neighbour, Umbria, is also a great destination to visit in Italy in November. It may not have the large cities of Tuscany but it does have a number of stunning hilltop villages which we think can look spectacular even at this time of year. These include Arezzo, Montefalco, Orvieto, Perugia and Spello. What we particularly like about visiting Umbria off season though is the excuse to enjoy heartwarming meals after a day sightseeing! Umbria is known for its abundance of meat dishes, particularly pork, lamb and game. These are hearty meals, perfect for the colder Autumn and Winter months.

Amalfi Coast

We’re actually not big advocates of visiting Italy’s coastline off season. We always think that seaside ‘resorts’ can be almost depressing off season. But that said, the Amalfi Coast is a great base from which to explore Pompeii. Most visitors will explore Pompeii in the Summer months but, quite frankly, the heat of the sun can make a visit in July and August pretty unpleasant as there s absolutely no shade. November is the perfect month to visit this incredible architectural site. You may also want to combine a trip to the Amalfi Coast and Pompeii with a couple of nights in Naples too.


In the far south of Italy, Puglia offers some of the best opportunities to enjoy some milder weather. We’ve certainly visited on a number of occasions in November and been able to sit outside on a lounger enjoying the warmth of the sunshine with temperatures even managing to reach 20°C. November is also an important time agriculturally in Puglia. 68 per cent of Italy’s olive oil is produced in Puglia and Calabria and as such, much of Puglia is covered in olive groves. The olive harvest in Puglia takes place from November to January each year and is great to see. It’s also harvest time for many other crops in Puglia from cima di rapa to carciofi so the food at this time is even more delicious than at other times of the year.


Like Puglia, one of the reasons that Sicily can be a good place to visit in November is its milder climate. OK – so it’s not warm enough to be sunbathing in your bikini on the beaches or swimming in the sea, but it’s a great time to enjoy a holiday in Italy to admire its cultural sights. Sicily has a fascinating history. It’s home to 7 of Italy’s 58 UNESCO World Heritage sites and there is truly a wealth of architectural sights to explore and fascinating towns and villages to discover.

Wherever you fancy holidaying in Italy in November, take a look at the villa rentals in Italy available from Italy villa rental specialists, Bookings For You.
